Focusing on Mesoscales: From the Energy-Minimization Multiscale Model to Mesoscience


Focusing on mesoscales: from the energy-minimization multiscale model to mesoscience


Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2016, 13: 10-23


Jinghai Li*, Wei Ge, Wei Wang, Ning Yang, Wenlai Huang


Mesoscale phenomena represent a common challenge in chemical engineering. This article reviews three decades of related research at IPE, CAS, spanning from the energy minimization multiscale (EMMS) model specific for gas-solid fluidization to the EMMS principle, which is probably general for all mesoscale problems. This review focuses on elucidating the following questions: Why are mesoscale problems challenging? Is there a common governing principle for mesoscale behavior? Could a common principle allow more accurate and efficient simulation of chemical processes? Finally, the concept of mesoscience is discussed, based on the potential generality of the EMMS principle.


DATE 2019-07-24 14:55:00
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